In the second round of the Uppsala Young Champions, young Uppsala player Julia Östensson surprised the crowd. She entered the competition on a reserve spot, but did not show her clearly higher ranked opponent any respect. Her opponent was Axel Berglind from SK Rockaden in Stockholm and he has previously won, among other things, the Swedish youth championship.

Julia has tried to break through on the queens wing, and has a very dangerous passed pawn on c7. Axel’s counterplay has just been stopped and his latest move 34 … Rg6-g7 is a way to try to exchange one or some of Julia’s attacking pieces. But Julia has seen longer and finishes with elegance:
35.Rxe7 †! Rxe7 36.Rxd6 †! Kxd6 and now it is just for the pawn to take the last step after which the game is decided 37.c8Q Rd7 38.Bc5 † and black resigned.